Typical chicken box

“Chow down, eat heartily!”  The French expression may not be associated with that vernacular, but those who have grown up eating chicken boxes, have done so heartily, and still do! Ask “bro”.

In Baltimore Md., and many major cities in the United States, restaurants of repute (of fine dining) were sprouts of European cuisine.

The cooks in the kitchens were people of color, who were taught to prepare Bouillabaisse, and boeuf bourguignon; at home, they ate barbecue ribs.

Those cooks had offspring, who got educated, dived into European master manipulation of food ingredients, and have now come up with their own.

They are not cooks, but Chefs, the new “Sherifs” of fine dining. POULET PANE’. Poulet Frit du Kentucky (KFC)

A look at the new JERK at NIGHT restaurant, in downtown Baltimore Md.

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  1. Great interview. The goals, dreams and accomplishments of three great entrepreneurs who demonstrated that focus and goals can make the dreams of a lifetime equals success.

  2. Great interview. The goals, dreams and accomplishments of three great entrepreneurs who demonstrated that focus and goals can make the dreams of a lifetime equals success.

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