(Some of the attendees at the Gospel Show in Bowie Maryland, September, 14, 2024)

It is the corner stone of the Christian media. It is said to bring pleasure to the “soul”. In the black community especially in the United States, the rise of the Baptist church and their choirs, have significant and compelling history.

We all know of the transport of Africans as slaves across the Atlantic, and the manner in which folks kept their sanity. The belief in Christ as “the Savior” is not new to the African, after all, there was the Ethiopian eunuch, who travelled to Jerusalem to get baptized by Philip and the first Century Christians. (Acts 8:26).

It is this belief in Christ that enabled many to survive the middle passage.

The white plantocracy that enslaved and distributed the African people as cargo, also believed in Christ. In 1773 the black population revolted and set up their own church, an African Baptist church, for the white Baptist church was layered with hypocrisy.

In 2024, how does the African on average worship CHRIST?

My curiosity led me to BOWIE Maryland, to a gospel show CAMEROON (African) style.

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    1. This is just great for Cameroon and we hope for more concerts like this to worship, and praise the Lord in worship and relax at the same time as people come together socialize and recommit to Jesus Christ our Lord and Master in song and dance. Kudos Cameroon.

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